Press review
Iinternational Contacts

- Radetzky Youth Band Heldenberg
Conduktor - Franz Halbwidl
- Inzersdorf - Getzendorf
- Bregenz

- The Youth Wind Orchestra "Friends of Music", Brecht
Conduktor - Sven van Calster

Bulgária- Stare zagora

Brazilia - Rio de Janeiró

Cyprus - Larnaca Municipal Band
Conduktor - Andreas Andreou

Denmark - All Girls Marching Band Aarhus
Conduktors - Michelle Broendum, Nicoline Daugaard

Estonia - Wind Band Saxon Pärnu
Conduktor - Mati Pödra
- Tallin
- Tartu

Finland - The Youth Wind Orchestra Toholampi
Conduktor - Osmo Jämsä
- Nivala

France - Marching Band et les Demoiselles, Saint-Pol sur Mer
Conduktor - Jean Hénon

Germany - Youth Wind Band
Conduktors - Clemens Reiser, Martin Schmelcher
- Weilder Stadt
- Freudenberg
- Leonberg
- Pandorf

Great Britain - Lions Youth Brass
Conduktor - Nigel Birch
- London

Griechenland - Sindos Concert Band
Conduktor - Miltiadis Polychronidis

Horvátország - Lovran

Italy - Brianza Parade Band, Veddugio - Capriano
Condukor - Mario Baccaglini
- Roncone
- Pieve di Bono
- Walten
- Passier
- Valdobbiadene
- Tiberina
- Coranno Pertuselhe
- Brenta
- Folgaria

Ireland - Clonmel Youth Marching and Concert Band
Conduktors - Fergal Caroll and Peter Taylor

Israel - Maalot Tarsiha
- Dimona
- Lod

Japan: - Hyogo-ken
- Takrazvka Shiritsu
- Chugakko

Latvia - The Youth Wind Orchestra "Auseklitis" (Morning Star), Riga
Conduktor - Haralds Barzdins

Lithua - The Wind Orchestra Rudiskiu
Conduktor - Valerijus Filonovas

Luxemburg - Prince Guillauma Youth Harmony, Differdingen
Conduktor - Remo Mancinelli
- Vichten

Netherlands - Show and Drumfanfare
Ijsselband Rheden
Conductors - Dick de Jager, Maarten Pijnenborg
- Garderen

Norway - Oslo

Poland - The Childern’s Brass Band of The House of Culture in Krobia
Conductor - Mariusz Pikulski
- Varsó Victória
- Wieliczka
- Katowicze
- Lobez

Portugalsko - Banda da Uniao Filarmonica do Troviscal
Conductors - Andre Oliveira Granjo, Silas Oliveira Granjo

Románia - Joseni (Gyergyóújfalu)

Slovakia - Youth Wind Orchestra and Majorettes, School of Music Nova Dubnica
Conductor - Antonín Madera
- Bauska Bistrica
- Nemesócsa
- Hegysúr
- Komarno

Slovenia - The Wind Orchestra of Koper
Conductor - Darij Pobega
- Ptuj
- Kapele
- Kidrichevo

Spain - Union Musical "El Xúquer"
Conduktor - Jose Luis Mena Lopez

Sweden - The Youth Wind Orchestra Kristianstad
Conductors - Jonny Jangtun, Bengt Isaksson

Swiss - Colombier
- Onnens

Szerbia - Zente

Czech republic - The Youth Wind Orchestra ZUS Vítkov
Conductor - Vojtech Budlík
- Municipal Wind Band Kynsperk nad Ohrí
Conductor - Jaroslav Broz
- The Youth Wind Orchestra of the Frydryk Chopin School of Music
Conductor - Josef Koreis
- Old Guard of the Youth Wind Orchestra - Veterans
Conductor - Jaroslav Novotny
- The Youth Wind Orchestra Cheb
Conductor - Jirí Smitek
- Cheb
- Vitkor
- Jesenik

Russia - Festival guest from the partnership town Nishny Tagil
Wind Orchestra of the Nishny Tagil School of Arts
Conductor - Alexandr Petrovic Bulatov

National Contacts:

- Pusztavámi Német Nemzetiségi Fúvószenekar
- Gánti Fúvószenekar
- Mosonmagyaróvári Kühne Fúvószenekar
- Csolnoki Fúvószenekar
- Törökbálinti Fúvószenekar
- Soproni Juventus Koncert Fúvószenekar
- Ágfalvi Fúvószenekar
- Kőszegi Fúvószenekar
- Sopron városi Fúvószenekar
- Oroszlányi Bányász Koncert Fesztivál Fúvószenekar
- Mezőtúri Ifjúsági Fúvószenekar
- Abonyi Fúvószenekar
- Barcsi Városi Fúvószenekar
- Mázai Bányász Fúvószenekar
- Pécsváradi Önkéntes Tűzoltó Egyesület Zenekara
- Dunabogdányi Fúvószenekar
- Balatonfüredi Városi Koncert Fúvószenekar



8060 Mór, Lovarda u. 5.

  National and Iinternational Contacts Qualifications Freude's Musical